
West Tripura


Miss. Bandita Choudhury - Complainant(s)


The Branch Manager, Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd & another - Opp.Party(s)

Mr.S.Pandit, Mr.M.Debnath, Mr.R.Chakraborty.

17 Dec 2020


No step from the side of the Complainant. 
Learned Advocate Mr. P. K. Debnath is present for the O.P. Nos.1&2. 
Today was fixed for cross-examination of the Complainant. 
Heard Mr. Debnath and he submits that the Complainant remained absent previous 4 consecutive dates for which the case is bring dragged and actually there is no cause of action in the instant case. He further submits that the Complainant did not submit the relevant documents before the Authority for finalizing her claim and matter is still pending before the O.Ps. He further submits to dismiss the complaint for default.  
From the record it appears that the Complainant remained absent for 4 consecutive dates though the Complainant filed his Examination-in-Chief but she is not appearing to face the cross-examination. 
We can not wait for long for the Complainant. 
Due to non-appearance of the Complainant it is presumed that the Complainant is not interested to proceed further with the case. 
Hence the complaint is dismissed for default.

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