View 24808 Cases Against Bank Of India
View 24808 Cases Against Bank Of India
SAHIDA SEIKH filed a consumer case on 29 Apr 2024 against BRANCH MANAGER UNITED BANK OF INDIA in the Nadia Consumer Court. The case no is CC/20/2019 and the judgment uploaded on 29 Apr 2024.
Ld. Advocate(s)
For Complainant: Safikul Alam
For OP/OPs : Puspasish Gupta
Date of filing of the case :30.01.2019
Date of Disposal of the case :29.04.2024
Final Order / Judgment dtd.29.04.2024
The concise fact of the case of the complainant is that the complainant is in brief is that the husband of the complainant
Nabichhaddin Sekh the husband of the complainant died on 04.01.2016 who was unorganized labour. He contributed money towards health scheme under which a labour is entitled to get Rs.50,000/- at the time of his death and OP NO.2 as Additional Labour Commissioner should pay that the money. The Bank account number of the diseased labour Nabichhaddin Sekh is 1602015792. Complainant Sahida Seikh is the nominee of the diseased and she is entitled to get Rs.50,000/- at health scheme. The said diseased labour contributed in that scheme by paying premium regularly. Late Echhem is the father of diseased Nabichhaddin Sekh who was a Van Driver. His date of birth on 01.01.1960 his date of maturity of the said account no. is 01.10.2020 being account no.16.02.2010-15792 and his account no. Under OP No. 1 Bank, United Bank of India (Pro-OP No.1) Zuranpur Branch is 0621010277310. The inspector of Minimum Wages Act LWFC Kaliganj Block accepted the application of complainant on 10.08.2017. He told that there was a delay in filing that application. The complainant applied for e-payment by filing an application on 19.04.2017. the date of making schedule of that list is 28.01.2014. The complainant filed different documents to the inspector Minimum Wages LWFC Kaliganj on 10.08.2017 but the complainant did not get any benefit till date. The OP did not assign any reason for the delay. So, the present case is filed . The complainant prayed for an award of Rs.50,000/- under SASPFUW Scheme and Rs.20,000/- towards compensation for mental harassment .
The OP No.2&3 defended the case by filing W/V wherein they denied each and every allegation. The complainant unnecessarily made the OP NO.1,4&5 as party to this case. OP No.1,4&5 are not related with this case. The Government of West Bengal floated for social security of the unorganised workmen floated the State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for unorganized workers being a Social Welfare Scheme whereunder the unorganized Workmen are enrolled to register their name with the office of the Labour Welfare Facilitation Centre situated within the premises of the office of BDO and to deposit Rs.25/- per month with the collecting agent to facilitate deposit of such amount in the State Account and the State is to deposit matching grant and the Workmen would receive the total accumulated amount along with interest. The husband of the complainant Nabichhaddin Sekh registered his name having account no. 1602015792 under BDO with the UBI Zuranpur Branch, Kaligunj, Nadia. During the period February, 2014 to December, 2015 that Nabichhaddin Sekh deposited total Rs.575/- and the State Government also deposited equal amounts. Subsequent to December, 2015 no deposit has been made by Nabichhaddin Sekh since diseased and as such no further
matching grant was deposited . On 19.04.2017 an application was submitted by the complainant claiming the assured amounts. The said claim for recovery of Rs.50,000/- under SASPUFUW is to be submitted within 120 days from the date of death of the unorganized worker . But the application was made at an exorbitant delay. So, the OP No.3 was unable to entertain the application and the said application was rejected. The OP No.3 advised the complainant to prefer a fresh application along with an application for condonation of delay. But the complainant filed the present case without following the advice. The OP has already disbursed Rs.1405/- on 06.01.2017 by depositing at his bank account . The complainant is not a consumer under the C.P Act since he registered his name with the social Welfare Scheme of the Government and as such this Commission has no jurisdiction to entertain and draw this case . The OP , therefore, prayed for that the case is liable to be dismissed.
The pleadings of the parties and the point of dispute involved in this case demands for ascertainment of the following points for proper adjudication of this case.
Points for Determination
Point No.1.
Whether the present case is maintainable in law and its present form.
Point No.2.
Whether the complainant is entitled to get the relief as prayed for.
Point No.3.
To what other relief if any the complainant is entitled to get.
Decision with Reasons
Point No.1.
The complainant filed this case for recovery of the fund under SASPUFUW for Rs.50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand).
The OP challenged the case as not maintainable on the ground that is barred by law. The OP categorically stated that the complainant is not a consumer under the C.P. Act, 1986 because it is a Government Welfare Scheme floated by the Government of West Bengal.
As per the C.P. Act, 1986 consumer means any person who buys any goods for a consideration which has been paid or promises and includes any user of such goods for consideration paid or promised but does not include a person who obtain such goods for resale for commercial purpose.
In the instant case the complainant is not a purchaser of any goods. On the contrary, it is admitted position that it is a Social Welfare Scheme introduced by the Government of West Bengal.
The OP has filed the resolution of the Government of West Bengal Labour Department No.34-IR/Misc-06/10 dated 05.01.2011. As per the said resolution, Clause 4 provides for that all applications for claim in form one shall be submitted to the concerned inspector of Minimum Wages in triplicate in the office where such beneficiary has been registered as a member under the scheme within 60 days of release from a hospital . It is further enshrined in the said resolution that as per clause 5 an appeal can be preferred by the dis-satisfied worker. As per clause 5, any unorganised sector worker aggrieved by an order/decision of the Deputy Labour Commissioner under this scheme may prefer an appeal to the Deputy Labour Commissioner of the concerned area within 30 days from the receipt of order/decision.
So, in case of any grievance by a worker an application shall be preferred first to the inspector of Minimum Wages Act. If he is dis-satisfied or aggrieved by the order of the said inspector or regarding any dispute the aggrieved worker has to file an appeal before the Deputy Labour Commissioner. So, under the said resolution there is no scope to entertain the grievance of the worker .
Ld. Defence Counsel argued that the jurisdiction of this Commission is specifically barred as per said resolution.
The complainant could not assign any reason to discard the said provisions of the resolution of the Government of West Bengal.
In the backdrop of the aforesaid specific provisions of resolution and in view of the objection by the OP, Commission is of the view that this Commission has no jurisdiction to try this case for redressal of the grievance of the worker who is the husband of the complainant .
Accordingly, point no.1 is decided against the complainant.
Point No.2&3.
Both the points are taken up together for brevity and convenience of discussion since these are closely interlinked with each other.
From the case record it transpires that the Government introduced a social security scheme for the unorganized workmen to launch the Provident Fund for unorganized workers under the name State Assisted Scheme of Provident Fund for unorganized worker (SASPUFUW). Under that scheme unorganized workmen are to enrol and register their name with the office of the Labour Welfare Facilitation Centre under the BDO. The Labour to deposit Rs.25/- per month by cash with the collecting agent to deposit such amounts in the state account and the state shall deposit a matching grant. Thereafter, the Workmen would receive the total accumulated amount along with interest.
OP categorically stated in the W/V that the complainant defaulted in payment of the said premium properly. It is the specific defence case that the complainant deposited a total of sum of Rs.575/-. As per the said SASPUFUW scheme the State Government also deposited a similar amounts as a matching grant in the bank account of the said diseased labour. Subsequent to December, 2015 no deposit has been made on behalf of the said labour Nabichhaddin Sekh .
The complainant filed some documents.
Annexure-1 is the application filed by the complainant Sahida Seikh for a claim of Rs.50,000/-.
After scrutiny of the said annexure-1 is transpires that there is an endorsement that there is a delay in filing the said application.
Annexure-2 is the form for payment through electronic mode.
Annexure-3 is the application on the death of the said labour Nabichhaddin Sekh for a sum of Rs.50,000/- filed on 19.04.2017. As per the claim of the complainant the said labour Nabichhaddin Sekh died on 04.01.2016. Thereafter his wife filed the claim on 19.04.2017.
Annexure-4 is the Rules regarding death of the labour before completion of 60 years along with Identity Card .
Annexure-5 is the statement of amount collected as premium under the said scheme.
The OP contended that a sum of Rs.575/- was deposited in the said scheme on behalf of the said labour and equal amount of premium was paid by the Government in the said scheme. Thus a total sum of Rs.1405/- has been claimed to have been deposited by the contributor. The complainant could not prove any document to establish that more than Rs.1405/- was deposited on behalf of the said labour.
The OP claimed that the claim has to be raised within 120 days from the date of death of the unorganised worker. But in the instant case the application was made after a long time causing exorbitant delay.
After assessing the evidence, it is evident that the said labour Nabichhaddin Sekh died on 04.01.2016 but the said application was filed in, 2017. As per the exhibit the said application for getting benefit under the said scheme for Rs.50,000/- was filed on 19.04.2017.
In fact the claim of the husband of the complainant was rejected due to exorbitant delay. So, the dealing authority that is Deputy Labour Commission rejected the claim of the complainant. As per clause 5 of the resolution vide no.34-IR/MISC-06/10 dated 05.01.2011 clause 4 specifically laid down that all Deputy Labour Commissioner authorized to administer claims under this scheme within their respective jurisdiction. As per clause 5 of the said resolution of Government of West Bengal dated 05.01.2011 any unorganised sector worker aggrieved by an order/ decision of the Deputy Labour Commissioner under the scheme may prefer an appeal to the Deputy Labour Commissioner of the concerned area within 30 days from the receipt of such order/decision.
So, the claim of the complainant is specifically barred under the provisions of law and Rules enumerated by the Government of West Bengal under clause 5 of the said resolution. The complainant has right to prefer an appeal before the Deputy Labour Commissioner of the area within which the complainant /her diseased husband used to reside. Therefore, this Commission does not have any jurisdiction to try this dispute/ case.
Accordingly, in the backdrop of the aforesaid discussion and specific provisions of law the complainant is debarred from getting
any relief from this Commission. So, the claim raised by the complainant cannot be entertained before this Commission.
Point 2&3 are accordingly, decided against the OP negatively.
In the result the complaint case fails.
It is
that the complaint case no.CC/20/2019 be and the same is dismissed on contest without any cost.
All Interim Applications (I.A) stand disposed of accordingly.
D.A to note in the trial register.
The case is accordingly disposed of.
Let a copy of this final order be supplied to both the parties at free of costs.
Dictated & corrected by me
(Shri HARADHAN MUKHOPADHYAY,) ................ ..........................................
I concur,
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