

Latest Judgments

Total 693 Consumer Court Cases Against Xiaomi.


Xiaomi Exclusive- Chandigarh. V/S Rohit Pahwa


Court Name: DF-I

Appelant Advocate Harpreet Saini

Respondant Advocate

DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM-I, U.T. CHANDIGARHConsumer Complaint No.:CC/113/2017Date of Institution:06/02/2017Date of Decision:01/03/2018Rohit Pahwa s/o Satnam Pahwa r/o #23 Ram Vihar Baltana Zirakpur, Mohali.…..ComplainantV E R S U S1. Xiaomi Exclusive &nda...

Case Number: 113


Date of Filing: 06-02-2017


Date of Upload: 01-03-2018


Xiaomi Technonoly India Pvt. LTd. V/S Charanjit Singh


Court Name: SAS Nagar Mohali

Appelant Advocate In Person

Respondant Advocate

Heading1Heading2Complaint Case No. CC/402/20171. Charanjit SinghS/o Sh. Gurnaim Singh, R/o 107, VPO Mundhon Sangtian, Tehsil Kharar, Distt SA SNAgara MOhali, PUnjab............Complainant(s)Versus1. Xiaomi Technonoly India Pvt. LTd.having its Registered Office at 8th Floor, Tower...

Case Number: 402


Date of Filing: 07-06-2017


Date of Upload: 27-03-2018


Xiaomi Technolongy V/S Gaurav Malik


Court Name: Rohtak

Appelant Advocate Sh. Sunil Kumar

Respondant Advocate Sh. Kunal Juneja

District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum Rohtak.Rohtak, Haryana. Complaint Case No. 612/2017( Date of Filing : 27 Oct 2017 )1. Gaurav Malik S/o Sh. Jagbir Singh R/o 81-A/10 Jasbir Colony, Near Shila By Pass Chowk, Rohtak. ...........Complainant(s)Versus1. Xiaomi Technolongy8th ...

Case Number: 612


Date of Filing: 27-10-2017


Date of Upload: 09-10-2018

Jammu and Kashmir



Court Name: Jammu

Appelant Advocate GS GILL

Respondant Advocate

DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM,JAMMU(Constituted under J&K Consumer Protection Act,1987) .Case File No. 314/DFJDate of Institution 22-11-2017Date of Decision 16-02-2018Anirudh,S/O Late Sh.Krishan Dutt,R/O H.No.34 Rampura,Gandhi Nagar,Jammu. Complainant V/S1.M/S Xi...

Case Number: 758


Date of Filing: 22-11-2017


Date of Upload: 21-02-2018


Xiaomi India Pvt. Ltd. V/S Ms. Lavisha Bansal


Court Name: SAS Nagar Mohali

Appelant Advocate In Person

Respondant Advocate

Heading1Heading2Complaint Case No. CC/763/20161. Ms. Lavisha BansalD/o Sh. Sh. Roshan Bansal, R/o No. 499, Mamta Enclave, Dhakoli, Zirakpur, Distt. Mohali............Complainant(s)Versus1. Xiaomi India Pvt. Ltd.C/o Ikeve Business Center, 8th Floor, Uniya Business Bay Tower 1, Ces...

Case Number: 763


Date of Filing: 11-11-2016


Date of Upload: 19-02-2018




Court Name: Central Mumbai

Appelant Advocate In Person

Respondant Advocate

DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, CENTRAL MUMBAI Puravatha Bhavan, 2nd Floor, General Nagesh Marg, Near Mahatma Gandhi HospitalParel, Mumbai-400 012 Phone No. 022-2417 1360Website- www.confonet.nic.inExecution Application No. EA/18/5InComplaint Case No. CC/17/431. MR SA...

Case Number: 18


Date of Filing: 12-01-2018


Date of Upload: 02-02-2018

Jammu and Kashmir



Court Name: Jammu

Appelant Advocate GS GILL

Respondant Advocate

DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUMJAMMUConstituted under J&K Consumer Protection Act 1987 .Case File No 245/DFJDate of Institution 06/10/2017Date of Decision 02-02-2018Manjeet SinghS/O Sh.Kulwant SinghR/O Aitham Post Office AithamTehsil & Distt.Jammu. Co...

Case Number: 671


Date of Filing: 06-10-2017


Date of Upload: 08-02-2018


Xiaomi India V/S Imran Ahamad


Court Name: DF-I

Appelant Advocate Devinder Kumar, Adv.

Respondant Advocate

DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM-I, U.T. CHANDIGARHConsumer Complaint No.:CC/180/2017Date of Institution:28/02/2017Date of Decision:25/01/2018Imran Ahamad s/o Shamin c/o Taj Hair Dresser, Opposite Government Senior Secondary School, Mariwala Town, Chandigarh.…..C...

Case Number: 180


Date of Filing: 28-02-2017


Date of Upload: 01-02-2018


Xiaomi Exclusive-Chandigarh V/S Gurvinder Sandhu


Court Name: DF-I

Appelant Advocate Harpreet Saini

Respondant Advocate

DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM-I, U.T. CHANDIGARH========Consumer Complaint No.:CC/112/2017Date of Institution:06/02/2017Date of Decision:16/01/2018Gurvinder Sandhu s/o Ramesh Kumar, R/o H.No.2283, Sec. 23-C, Chandigarh.…..ComplainantV E R S U S[1] Xiaomi Exclu...

Case Number: 112


Date of Filing: 06-02-2017


Date of Upload: 23-03-2018


Xiaomi Technology India Private Limited V/S Khushboo Aggarwal


Court Name: DF-II

Appelant Advocate In Person

Respondant Advocate

The complainant has addmitted that the handset is working properly after repair. Admittedly the OPs have also changed the screen. Complainant also wants extended warranty for the repaired handset. It is apparent from the order under execution that the decree is to the extent that...

Case Number: 153


Date of Filing: 14-07-2017


Date of Upload: 28-12-2017

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Common FAQ

Question : Am I eligible to file case against Xiaomi in Consumer Forum?

Answer : If you have purchased a product or avails any service, either for your personal use or to earn your livelihood by means of self-employment.

Question : When I can fill a complaint against Xiaomi ?

Answer : A complaint may be made against Xiaomi under the following circumstances:
1 : Loss or damage is caused to the consumer due to unfair or restrictive trade practice.
2 : the article purchased by you is defective.
3 : the services availed of by you suffer from any deficiency.
4 : charged more then MRP
5 : Goods or services, which will be hazardous to life and safety, when used, are being offered for sale to the public.

Question : Is there any exemption from payment of Court Fee?

Answer : The complainants who are Below the Poverty Line shall be entitled for the exemption of payment of fee for complaints upto rupees one lakh on production of an attested copy of the Antyodaya Anna Yojana card.

Question : What are the Reliefs available to Consumers?

Answer : The reliefs available are :
1 : Removal of defects from the goods
2 : Replacement of the goods
3 : Refund of the price paid.
4 : Removal of defects or deficiencies in the services
5 : Award of compensation for the loss or injury suffered;
6 : Discontinue and not to repeat unfair trade practice or restrictive trade practice;
7 : To withdraw hazardous goods from being offered for sale;
8 : To cease manufacture of hazardous goods and desist from offering services which are hazardous in nature;
9 : If the loss or injury has been suffered by a large number of consumers who are not identifiable conveniently, to pay such sum (not less than 5% of the value of such defective goods or services provided) which shall be determined by the forum;
10 : To issue corrective advertisement to neutralize the effect of misleading advertisement;
11 : To provide adequate costs to parties.