Court Name: Kasaragod
Appelant Advocate
Respondant Advocate
C.D.R.F. KasaragodKeralaComplaint Case No. CC/16/711. KarunakaranArakachal veedu cherumool karivellur po kannur district 670521 kanurkerala...........Complainant(s)Versus1. M/s Naaptol online shoppingM/s Naaptol online shopping pvt Ltd s 85 b village Gundia pochampally mandal med...
Case Number: 16
Date of Filing: 22-02-2016
Date of Upload: 23-04-2016
Court Name: DF-II
Appelant Advocate Sh. Gaurav Bhardwaj Adv.
Respondant Advocate
Dated : 31/03/2016ORDER Sh. Vipin Kaushal, counsel for the OP has made the following statement, recorded separately: - “The OP offers to pay Rs.6000/- to the complainant in full and final settlement of the dispute. The amount will be paid within 30 days from today”. ...
Case Number: 549
Date of Filing: 30-09-2015
Date of Upload: 14-12-2016
Court Name: Rayagada
Appelant Advocate Self
Respondant Advocate Braja Sundar Nayak
Heading1Heading2Complaint Case No. CC/15/961. Mr. Surya Narayan TripathyOffice of DIGP, CRPF, Raniguda Farm, Near Bethal Shurch,RayagadaOdisha...........Complainant(s)Versus1. Naaptol Service Warehouse Naaptol Online Shoping pvt., Ltd.,13Pl, Solutions, OLD No.B-98, New Pandey Med...
Case Number: 15
Date of Filing: 12-03-2015
Date of Upload: 13-08-2015
Court Name: Raigarh
Appelant Advocate SMT. Beronika Ekka
Respondant Advocate
DISTRICT CONSUMAR DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUMRAIGARH C.G.Complaint Case No. CC/19/20151. SMT. Beronika EkkaRaigarhRaigarhChhattisgarh...........Complainant(s)Versus1. Naaptol Com.New DelhiDelhiDelhi............Opp.Party(s) BEFORE:HON'BLE MR. SANMAN SINGH PRESIDENTHON'BLE MR. SUBHAS ...
Case Number: 19
Date of Filing: 10-02-2015
Date of Upload: 31-03-2015
Court Name: NCDRC
Respondant Advocate
NATIONAL CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL COMMISSIONNEW DELHI REVISION PETITION NO. 651-652 OF 2014(Against the Order dated 13/09/2013 in Appeal No. 1380/2012 & 556/2012 of the State Commission Karnataka) WITH IA/280/2014,IA/281/20141. NAAPTOL ONLINE SHOPPING PVT. LTDHAVING ITS REGIS...
Case Number: 651
Date of Filing: 13-01-2014
Date of Upload: 30-01-2014
Court Name: StateCommission
Appelant Advocate Sh.Kamal Satija Adv. for the appellant
Respondant Advocate
First Appeal No. FA/354/2012(Arisen out of Order Dated null in Case No. of District )1. Anil Kumarson of Sh. Ram Verma, resident of 984, Phase-II, Ram Darbar Chandigarh...........Appellant(s)Versus1. M/s Naaptol Online Shopping Pvt. Ltd.Unit No. 418, Building No.-2, Sector-1, Mil...
Case Number: 354
Date of Filing: 26-10-2012
Date of Upload: 30-11--0001
Court Name: Thiruvananthapuram
Appelant Advocate
Respondant Advocate
CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUMSISUVIHAR LANEVAZHUTHACAUDTHIRUVANANTHAPURAM695010Complaint Case No. CC/12/951. Gracy TGeorge Xavier College, Nandavanam, TVM...........Complainant(s)Versus1. Naaptol Online Shoppiy Pvt LTDSecundarabad............Opp.Party(s) BEFORE:HON'BLE MR. Sr...
Case Number: 12
Date of Filing: 22-03-2012
Date of Upload: 30-11--0001
Court Name: DF-II
Appelant Advocate kamal Satija
Respondant Advocate
CHANDIGARH DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM-IIPlot No. 5-B, Sector 19-B, Madhya marg, Chandigarh - 160019CONSUMER CASE NO. 98 of 2012 1. Anil Kumar S/o Shri Ram Verma, resident of 984, Phase II, Ram Darbar, Chandigarh. ...........Appellant(s)Vs.1. M/s Naaptol Online sho...
Case Number: 98
Date of Filing: 16-02-2012
Date of Upload: 30-11--0001
Court Name: DF-I
Appelant Advocate
Respondant Advocate
CHANDIGARH DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM-IPlot No. 5-B, Sector 19-B, Madhya marg, Chandigarh - 160019CONSUMER CASE NO. 327 of 2011 1. Deeraj MiglaniR/o Room No. 38, Boys Hostel, Chandigarh Collage of Engineering Near Grain Market, Sector 26, Chandigarh. ...........Ap...
Case Number: 327
Date of Filing: 14-06-2011
Date of Upload: 30-11--0001
Consumer Court | Cheque Bounce | Civil Cases | Criminal Cases | Matrimonial Disputes
Dedicated team of best lawyers for all your legal queries. Our lawyers can help you for you Consumer Court related cases at very affordable fee.
Question : Am I eligible to file case against Naaptol in Consumer Forum?
Answer : If you have purchased a product or avails any service, either for your personal use or to earn your livelihood by means of self-employment.
Question : When I can fill a complaint against Naaptol ?
Answer : A complaint may be made against Naaptol under the following circumstances:
1 : Loss or damage is caused to the consumer due to unfair or restrictive trade practice.
2 : the article purchased by you is defective.
3 : the services availed of by you suffer from any deficiency.
4 : charged more then MRP
5 : Goods or services, which will be hazardous to life and safety, when used, are being offered for sale to the public.
Question : Is there any exemption from payment of Court Fee?
Answer : The complainants who are Below the Poverty Line shall be entitled for the exemption of payment of fee for complaints upto rupees one lakh on production of an attested copy of the Antyodaya Anna Yojana card.
Question : What are the Reliefs available to Consumers?
Answer : The reliefs available are :
1 : Removal of defects from the goods
2 : Replacement of the goods
3 : Refund of the price paid.
4 : Removal of defects or deficiencies in the services
5 : Award of compensation for the loss or injury suffered;
6 : Discontinue and not to repeat unfair trade practice or restrictive trade practice;
7 : To withdraw hazardous goods from being offered for sale;
8 : To cease manufacture of hazardous goods and desist from offering services which are hazardous in nature;
9 : If the loss or injury has been suffered by a large number of consumers who are not identifiable conveniently, to pay such sum (not less than 5% of the value of such defective goods or services provided) which shall be determined by the forum;
10 : To issue corrective advertisement to neutralize the effect of misleading advertisement;
11 : To provide adequate costs to parties.