View 597 Cases Against Andhra Bank
R.Chandra Sekhar filed a consumer case on 05 Apr 2023 against The Branch Manager, Andhra Bank in the Rayagada Consumer Court. The case no is CC/131/2018 and the judgment uploaded on 02 Jun 2023.
Date of Institution: 30.10.2018
Date of Final Hearing: 29.03.2023
Date of Pronouncement: 5.04.2023
Sri R.Chandra Sekhar,
S/O: Sri R.Durga Rao,
Po/Dist: Rayagada (Odisha).
(Through Self for the Complainant) …Complainant
1.The Branch Manager,
Andhra Bank, Rayagada Branch,
(Sri K.Ravindra Kumar, Advocate for the O.P No.1 )
2.The Divisional Manager,
United India Insurance Co. Ltd.,
Basheerbagh, Hyderabad-500 029 (A.P).
(Sri S.S.Mishra, Advocate,Jeypore for the O.P.No.2) …Opposite Parties
Present: 1. Sri Rajendra Kumar Panda, President.
2. Sri Satish Kumar Panigrahi, Member.
Sri Rajendra Kumar Panda, President. |
Brief facts of the case:-
Case in hand is the allegation of deficiency in service and unfair trade practice by the O.Ps for non payment mediclaim towards AB Araogyadaan scheme group mediclaim policy No. 0504002817P104314692 which the complainant sought redressal.
On being noticed the O.Ps appeared before this commission through their learned counsel and filed written version.
During the course of hearing the complainant is absent on repeated call though notices has been duly served upon him.
On perusal of the documents it is revealed that despite several adjournments taken by the complainant for the purpose of filing relevant papers, the complainant failed to produce any documents in support of his claim. When the pleading of the complainant in support of his claim have been denied by the O.P. the complainant is duty bound to substantiate his claim by producing relevant documents there for, but he has failed to do so. On the basis of mere pleadings of the complainant, without any supporting evidence, no positive finding can be recorded in regard to his claim. Hence, we are constrained to hold that the petition made by the complainant is devoid of any merit.
The complainant failed to perform his obligatory duty to remain present and adduce evidence.
In the result this commission dismiss the complaint for default U/S- 38(3)© of the C.P.Act,2019. Miscellaneous order if any delivered by this commission relating to this case stands vacated.
A copy of this order be provided to all the parties at free of cost as mandated by the Consumer Protection Act, 2019 or they may download same from the to treat the same as if copy of order received from this Commission.
The judgment be uploaded forthwith on the website of the Commission for the perusal of the parties. File be consigned to the record room along with a copy of this Judgment.
PRONOUNCED ON 05.04.2023
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