


Sh. Mangat Ram - Complainant(s)


National Insurance Co. Ltd. - Opp.Party(s)

16 Mar 2022


Order Passed


None has appeared on behalf of the appellant inspite of several calls.

Learned counsel Sh. Deepak Ahluwalia for respondent No. 1 as well as learned counsel Sh. R.K. Naswa for respondent No. 2 have appeared in person.

A perusal of the order sheet dated 03.03.2022 reveals that on the earlier date a direction was given to the appellant that if on the date fixed, the appellant does not appear, then adverse order shall be passed against him.

Inspite of the above mentioned order, the appellant neither appeared alongwith his counsel, nor moved any adjournment application seeking some time for hearing.

As the case is very old and running since 2011, hence in the absence of appellant, the appeal is hereby dismissed.  No order as to costs.

File be consigned to the record room.

                        Record of the District Commission be returned to the concerned District Commission.

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