


Kuldeep Upadhyay S/o Harendra Upadhyay - Complainant(s)


M/s Red Kenko Health Tech Company Pvt. Ltd. & Others - Opp.Party(s)

Jitender singh

28 Nov 2023


Distic forum Faridabad, hariyana
final order
Complaint Case No. CC/714/2023
( Date of Filing : 06 Nov 2023 )
1. Kuldeep Upadhyay S/o Harendra Upadhyay
D-57, Ending City Sec-91, FBD
1. M/s Red Kenko Health Tech Company Pvt. Ltd. & Others
New Survey No. 57/4, Old Survey No. 57/2
Dated : 28 Nov 2023
Final Order / Judgement



Kuldeep Upadhay           VS. M/s Red Kenko


Present:       Sh.Jitender Singh, counsel for complainant.



                   Today the case was fixed for issuing notice to OP. At this stage, learned counsel for the complainant appeared and stated that “complainant had received DD no. 066801 dated 22.11.2023 for an amount of Rs. 1,34,000/- drawn on ICICI Bank, Bandra Mumbai from OP as full and final settlement and therefore, I do not want to proceed with the present complaint and wants to withdraw the same being fully satisfied.” Statement to this effect recorded separately. Copy of DD is also placed on file.

                   Heard. Keeping in view of the statement of counsel for complainant, complaint filed by the complainant is hereby dismissed as withdrawn being fully satisfied. File be consigned to record room.


Member                          Member                          DCDRC/Fbd. 28.11.2023



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