


Sri Bisnu Kalyan Mangaraj - Complainant(s)


DTDC Courier - Opp.Party(s)

29 Mar 2023


Complaint Case No. CC/67/2021
( Date of Filing : 27 Oct 2021 )
1. Sri Bisnu Kalyan Mangaraj
S/o.- Late Balakrishna Mangaraj, Flat No.-1-N, Binayak Block, Sri Prafulla Mishra Complex,Gandhi Marg,Angul -759122
1. DTDC Courier
Angul Sub Branch, Room No.-5,Sheetal Plaza, Near Caltax Chowk, Uma Shankar Bazar ,Angul-759122, Similipada,Angul-759122 At present being shifted to Near Caltax,Turanga, P.S/Dist-Angul-759123 Represented through its Sub-Branch Head
2. DTDC Customer Care
DTDC House, No-3,Victoria Road,Bangalore-560047,Karnataka Represented through its Chief Executive.
3. DTDC Head Office
Plot No.-14,Vijaya Nagar,Western Express Highway, Goregaon East,Mumbai-400063,Maharashtra Represented through its Chief Executive
 HON'BLE MR. Saroj Kumar Sahoo PRESIDENT
 HON'BLE MS. Sasmita Kumari Rath MEMBER
Dated : 29 Mar 2023
Final Order / Judgement

Sri S.K.Sahoo,President.

          This   petition is  filed by the  complainant U/s. 12  of C.P.Act, 1986. On perusal  of the  complaint petition it  appears that the cause  of  action  of  the  case  arose on 16.09.2021 which is U/s. 35 of C.P.Act, 2019.

2.       The  case  of the  complaint is that  he  is residing  at  Gandimarg,Angul and the  opp.parties are carrying  on their  business  of  courier  service  throughout  the  country  along with a  branch office at Angul  dt. 17.09.1963 is the  birthday  of the  complainant.  The  family members and his relatives are observing  the  golden jubilee  celebration  through  out  this  year  with  much enthusiasm. As  a token of love, affection and  respect of  such celebration the  elder sister-in-law  of  the  married  daughter of the  complainant,  namely Malathi  had  sent  LADDU & PICKLE  weighing 4 K.G on 16.09.2021  through the  courier service of the opp.parties as special precious  gift to the  complainant. The   said  gift was received by the  courier  service  of the opp.parties  at  Karmanghat Branch, Hyderapad  for  delivery in the  address of the  complainant at  Angul. The  said  branch of the  organisation of the  opp.parties  received an amount of Rs. 750.00  from Malathi and  granted  a money receipt  in token of  acceptance  of the  gift, as Consignment. When the  said  gift packet did not  reach the  complainant, inquiry  was made by  Malathi-sender  and   Amruta the  daughter of the  complainant. It  was  brought  to the  notice  of the  complainant  that the  mobile number  shown in the website  of the  organisation has been changed, for  which the  complainant unable  to  contact  the  local office of the  opp.parties  at Angul. However, with  much difficulties the  complainant able  to get the  telephone  number  of one of the  staff of the  opp.parties at Angul namely  Panda Babu .Thereafter the  complainant time  and  again contacted Panda Babu through  telephone  but no result. On 29.09.2021 at 3.25pm and 5 Pm  the  complainant  contacted one  of the  staff, Mr.Panda Babu   through  mobile  phone  to  ascertain  about  the status of the packet but  no  reply. Again on the  same day  at 8.30pm the  complainant  contacted Mr.Panda Babu in  mobile No. 8917274627  and  came  to  know that the  said  parcel  in his name has  been damaged. However,  when the   complainant  asked  for  delivery of the  said damaged  packet  Mr.Panda   asked him to collect the  same from the office  of the opp.parties situated at Angul. Finally Mr. Panda in a  very  rough tone  threatened the  complainant to  throw  the  packet  in the  dustbin, if   not  collected  by the  complainant. Due  to such  conduct  of  Mr.Panda  a staff of  organisation of the opp.parties the  complainant was mentally  upset .Till filing  of the  case  the  complainant  is not able  to get  his  packet sent by Malathi .The  cost of  LADDU & PICKLE  are Rs. 4,000.00.

3.       Notice  was issued  to all the opp.parties  through Regd. Post with A.D  on 03.11.2021 .As  the ADs are not  back within   one  month of  despatch  of the  notice to the opp.parties  in  correct address  through Regd.Post with A.D , it  is deemed to be  sufficient    U/s. 27 of General Clauses Act.

4.        A  show cause  appears to have been signed by  one  Arnab Mukharjee  dtd. 24.06.2022 has been received  by this  Commission. As  the said  show cause has been received after expiry of the  statutory period  and only  at the time of  hearing it  needs no consideration.

5.       The  complaint petition filed by the  complaint is  supported with  affidavit. On perusal of the  complaint petition it is clear that on 16.09.2021  Malathi  a close  relative of the  complainant had sent LADDU & PICKLE   weighing 4 Kg  as  special gift  to the  complainant  through the  courier  service of the  opp.parties  situated at  Karmanghat Branch, Hyderapad .From  the  photocopy  of the  money receipt it appears that   amount of Rs. 750.00  was received by the  employee  of the  Karmanghat Branch, Hyderapad and  a  money receipt   has been issued in favour  of Malathi. On perusal of  the  photo copy of the  tracking report  it  appears  that  the  said  consignment was despatched at Karmanghat Branch, Hyderapad  on 17.09.2021 and reached  Angul branch on 23.09.2021. Inspite  of  receipt of  such packet  by   Angul branch  it  was  not  delivered  to the  complainant  till  filing of the  case. There is  no evidence  also  that  it  has been  handed over  to the   complainant  in  the mean  time. It is also  clear  from the  complaint petition  that the  complainant, his daughter who is  staying  at United Kingdom  and  Malathi  who is  staying  at  Hyderabad  time  and  again  inquired  about the consignment  but there  was  no satisfactory  response  from the  organisation of the  opp.parties. Absolutely there is   severe  negligence  and  deficiency  in service on the  part of the opp.parties. Now  days  courier  service is taking a  important  role in the  field of different type of  business. Deficiency  in service  by the  courier  service  like  the  present one will cause  serious effect on the business of  different organisation.

6.       The  opp.parties  have not  contested the  case  nor led  evidence. The  complaint petition filed by the  complainant  is  of  verified one and supported with affidavit. There is  no material  before this  Commission to disbelieve the allegations made by  the  complainant in the  complaint petition.

7.       The  cost of the  gift is Rs. 4,000.00 . The opp.parties have received an amount of  Rs.750.00  to carry the  said  consignment  to the  complainant. The  said  consignment  was   on the  occasions of  Golden Jubilee Celebration of the  birthday  of the  complainant   and  he   suffered serious mental agony  due  to non-receipt of the  consignment  from  his  close relative Malathi .

8.       Hence  order :-

: O R D E R :

          The  case be  and the  same is  allowed , exparte  against the opp.parties. All the opp.parties  are  jointly and  severally  liable  in this  case. They are directed to pay an amount  of  Rs. 4,000.00 (Rupees Four Thousand) only  ( towards  cost of LADDU & PICKLE) ,Rs.750.00 (the payment  received by the  organisation of the opp.parties)  and  compensation  of  Rs. 40,000.00 (Rupees Forty Thousand ) only . The   opp.parties  are directed to pay all the  aforesaid  amount  within  one  month of  receipt of this  order, failing  which they have to pay interest @ 9% p.a  on the total amount  to be   paid  to the  complainant   from  date of  receipt  of this order till payment is made.

[HON'BLE MR. Saroj Kumar Sahoo]
[HON'BLE MS. Sasmita Kumari Rath]

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