View 1816 Cases Against Amazon
View 1816 Cases Against Amazon
SUDHA filed a consumer case on 11 Feb 2017 against AMAZON in the West Delhi Consumer Court. The case no is CC/16/765 and the judgment uploaded on 16 Feb 2017.
CC-765/16 D.O.O.-11/02/2017
Complaint taken up in National Lok Adalat held today on 11/02/2017. Shri Anurag Singh, Advocate for complainant on 30.1.2017 made statement that the matter is settled between the complainant and opposite parties and as per the settlement the complainant has received a new laptop from the opposite party in lieu of the old defective laptop. The complaint may be dismissed as withdrawn being settled and satisfied.
In view of above statement the complaint is dismissed as withdrawn being settled and fully satisfied. Copy of the order be sent to the parties free of cost. File be consigned to records.
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