Address: Judicial Complex, Phase-II, Kurukshetra
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Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate R.K.Singhal
Respondant Advocate
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA. Complaint Case No.222 of 2018. Date of institution: 15.10.2018. Date of decision: 18.10.2019.Seema Singhal wife of Shri Rajesh Kumar Singhal, r/o House No.3, Sector-5, Urban Estate, Kurukshetra. …..&he...
Case Number: 222
Date of Filing: 15-10-2018
Date of Upload: 22-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Amit Sharma
Respondant Advocate
Rajender Vs IBM etc.Present:Sh. Amit Sharma, Advocate for complainant. Op yet not summoned. Complaint presented today. It be checked and registered. At this stage Learned counsel for complainant has made a statement that he withdraw the present complaint due to technical defect a...
Case Number: 464
Date of Filing: 16-10-2019
Date of Upload: 22-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Vikas Sanghwan
Respondant Advocate
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA. Complaint Case No.87 of 2018. Date of institution: 24.04.2018. Date of decision: 16.10.2019.Dr. Rajeev Vats aged about 47 years s/o Sh. Satpal Vats, r/o H. No. 1382, Sector 13, Urban Estate, Kurukshetra.&helli...
Case Number: 87
Date of Filing: 24-04-2018
Date of Upload: 22-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Sultan Singh
Respondant Advocate A.L.Madan
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA. Complaint Case No.178 of 2019. Date of institution: 13.05.2019. Date of decision: 18.10.2019.Jagmohan s/o Shri Shiv Charan, r/o village Chand Nagar, Farukh Nagar, Gurugram, now resident of Room No.A-51, Tagore...
Case Number: 178
Date of Filing: 13-05-2019
Date of Upload: 22-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Virender Singh
Respondant Advocate
Manju Vs. HSVP etc.Present: V.K. Garg, Advocate for complainant. Op yet not Summoned. File taken up today on the application moved by Id. Complainant through his counsel. Ld. Counsel for the complainant has made a statement that withdra...
Case Number: 275
Date of Filing: 12-07-2019
Date of Upload: 16-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate In Person
Respondant Advocate
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA.Consumer Complaint No.318 of 2019.Date of Instt.:07.08.2019. Date of Decision: 16.10.2019.Vikas s/o Shri Ram Naresh, r/o H.No.4743/5, Shyam Colony, Thanesar, Distt. Kurukshetra. ...
Case Number: 318
Date of Filing: 07-08-2019
Date of Upload: 22-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Sultan Singh
Respondant Advocate
Suraj Bhan Vs. Iffco-Tokio & Othrs.Present: Sh. Sultan Singh, Advocate for complainant. Ld. Counsel for the complainant has made a statement that he withdraws the present complaint due to technical defect and permission may be granted for filing fr...
Case Number: 443
Date of Filing: 04-10-2019
Date of Upload: 16-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rahul Tanwar
Respondant Advocate
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA. Complaint Case No.144 of 2018. Date of institution: 05.07.2018. Date of decision:11.10.2019. Jasbir Kaur wife of late Balwinder Singh, aged about 30 years, resident of village Kakrala Anayat, Tehsil Guhla, Dis...
Case Number: 144
Date of Filing: 05-07-2018
Date of Upload: 11-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rajan Kumar
Respondant Advocate
Raj Kumari Vs M/s Shree Vardhman Etc.Present: Sh. Rajan Kumar Rasina, Advocate for complainant. Sh. Sanjay Singhal, Advocate for Ops. Power of attorney on behalf of ops filed. Ld. Counsel for the complainant has made a statement that he withdraws the present complaint due to tec...
Case Number: 210
Date of Filing: 04-10-2018
Date of Upload: 14-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Subhash Tanwar
Respondant Advocate Y.RBansal
Dushyant Vs SBIPresent: Sh. Subhash Tanwar, Advocate for the complainant. Sh. Y.R. Bansal, Advocate for the Ops. The learned counsel for the complainant has made a statement to the effect that he does not want to pursue the present complaint and withdraws the same. Heard. In vie...
Case Number: 195
Date of Filing: 22-05-2019
Date of Upload: 11-10-2019
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