Address: Judicial Complex, Phase-II, Kurukshetra
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Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Ram Kumar
Respondant Advocate
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA.Consumer Complaint No.165 of 2017.Date of instt.:10.8.2017.Date of Decision:04.11.2019.Amit Kumar s/o Shri Geeta Ram, resident of village and Post Office Yara, District Kurukshetra. ……….Compla...
Case Number: 165
Date of Filing: 10-08-2017
Date of Upload: 05-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Arshdeep Joshan
Respondant Advocate R.K. Singhal
DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUMKURUKSHETRAComplaint Case No. CC/274/2019( Date of Filing : 11 Jul 2019 )1. Baljeet SinghVillage Baronda , Tehsil Ladwa Kurkshetra Haryana 2. Angrejo DeviVillage Baronda , Ladwa Kurkshetra haryana ...........Complainant(s)Versus1. Medi As...
Case Number: 274
Date of Filing: 11-07-2019
Date of Upload: 04-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Kuldeep Singh
Respondant Advocate Shishan Dutt
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA.Consumer Complaint No.11 of 2019.Date of Instt.:08.1.2019.Date of Decision: 30.10.2019.Karan s/o Shri Mohinder Singh, r/o H.No.648/8, Indira Colony, Kurukshetra. …….Complainant. VersusBalaji Com...
Case Number: 11
Date of Filing: 08-01-2019
Date of Upload: 30-10-2019
State Bank Of India State Bank Of India Bank Of India
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rakesh Kumar
Respondant Advocate
Ravinder Vs. SBI etc.Present: Sh. Rakesh kumar, Advocate for complainant. Sh.Gurlal Singh, Advocate for Op No.1. Sh. Atul Mittal, Advocate for Op No.2 & 3. Complainant has made a statement that he withdraws the present complaint due to te...
Case Number: 385
Date of Filing: 29-08-2019
Date of Upload: 31-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rakesh Kumar
Respondant Advocate
Harvinder Vs. SBI etc.Present: Sh. Rakesh kumar, Advocate for complainant. Sh.Gurlal Singh, Advocate for Op No.1. Sh. Atul Mittal, Advocate for Op No.2 & 3. Complainant has made a statement that he withdraws the present complaint due to ...
Case Number: 386
Date of Filing: 29-08-2019
Date of Upload: 30-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rakesh Kumar
Respondant Advocate
Parvinder Vs SBI etc.Present: Sh.Rakesh Kumar, Advocate for complainant. Sh. Gurlal Singh, Advocate for Op No.1. Sh. Atul Mittal, Advocate for Op No.2&3. Complainant has made a statement that he withdraws the present complaint due to technical ground and permission may be gr...
Case Number: 387
Date of Filing: 29-08-2019
Date of Upload: 07-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate H.S.Kush
Respondant Advocate
Quality Enterprises Vs. M/s Thukral Elec. Etc.Present: Sh. H.S.Kush, Advocate for complainant.Ops yet not summoned. Complaint presented today. It be checked and registered. At this stage Learned counsel for complainant has made a statement that he withdraw the present complaint d...
Case Number: 472
Date of Filing: 30-10-2019
Date of Upload: 04-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Lal Singh
Respondant Advocate
Saroj Kumari Vs Bajaj Finance etc.Present: Complainant in person represented by Shri Lal Chand Saini, Advocate. Sh. Dheeraj Sachdeva, Adv for the Ops. The complainant has made a statement to the effect due to technical defect, she wants to withdraw the present complaint with libe...
Case Number: 237
Date of Filing: 13-11-2018
Date of Upload: 25-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Nayab Singh Narwal
Respondant Advocate
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA.Consumer Complaint No.33 of 2019.Date of Instt.:28.01.2019.Date of Decision:22.10.2019.Pushpa Tiwari w/o Shri Sandeep Kumar Saini, r/o H.No.2172/7, Housing Board Colony, Sector-7, Urban Estate, Kurukshetra. &hell...
Case Number: 33
Date of Filing: 25-01-2019
Date of Upload: 23-10-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Pankaj Dhingra
Respondant Advocate Amit Sharma
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA. Complaint Case No.64 of 2019. Date of institution: 14.02.2019. Date of decision: 22.10.2019.Dr. Sunil Dhingra, Professor s/o Shri K.L. Dhingra, Advocate, r/o 1411, Urban Estate, Sector-13, Kurukshetra-136118, ...
Case Number: 64
Date of Filing: 14-02-2019
Date of Upload: 23-10-2019
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