Address: Judicial Complex, Phase-II, Kurukshetra
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Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rajesh Kaushik
Respondant Advocate Atul Mittal
Rajbir Vs. Riyasat & othrs.Present: Sh. Rajesh Kaushik, Advocate for the complainant. Sh. Atul Mittal, Advocate for the ops. Parties have settled their dispute amicably. Statements of parties recorded separately. In view of the same, present complaint is dismissed as withdra...
Case Number: 312
Date of Filing: 05-08-2019
Date of Upload: 02-12-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Karanvir Singh
Respondant Advocate
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA.Consumer Complaint No.234 of 2018.Date of instt.:30.10.2018. Date of Decision:25.11.2019.Kuldeep Singh son of Mahinder Singh, resident of H.No.265/7, Shastri Colony, Pehowa, District Kurukshetra. ……&...
Case Number: 234
Date of Filing: 30-10-2018
Date of Upload: 26-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rajesh Kaushik
Respondant Advocate Gaurav Gupta
Satyawan Vs. OIC & Ors.Present: Shri Rajesh Kaushik, Advocate for complainant. Shri Gaurav Gupta, Advocate for the OP No.1. OP No.2 ex-parte. Shri Mukesh Kumar, Advocate for the OP No.3. Learned counsel for the complainant has made a statement that he withdraws the present co...
Case Number: 377
Date of Filing: 27-08-2019
Date of Upload: 27-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate In person
Respondant Advocate K.K.Gupta
Arun Kumar Vs. Rattan HandloomPresent: Complainant in person. Shri K.K. Gupta, Advocate for the OP. Complainant has made a statement that he does not want to proceed further with the present complaint and withdraw the same. In view of the statement o...
Case Number: 246
Date of Filing: 18-06-2019
Date of Upload: 27-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate In Person
Respondant Advocate Hemant Prasher
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA.Consumer Complaint No.135 of 2019.Date of instt.:09.04.2019. Date of Decision:21.11.2019.Paramjeet Singh s/o Shri Ram Sarup, r/o village Indbari, Tehsil Thanesar, District Kurukshetra. …….Complainan...
Case Number: 135
Date of Filing: 08-04-2019
Date of Upload: 21-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate W.C.juneja
Respondant Advocate
DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUMKURUKSHETRAExecution Application No. EA/74/2019( Date of Filing : 03 Oct 2019 )InComplaint Case No. 170/20181. Sanjeev KumarH.No 268/1 Masita house Thanesar kurukshetra Haryana ...........Appellant(s)Versus1. IDBIRailway Road Kurukshetra ...
Case Number: 74
Date of Filing: 03-10-2019
Date of Upload: 20-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Subhash Tanwar
Respondant Advocate Gaurav Gupta
Kanwarji Singh & anr. Vs. OIC & anr.Present:Sh. Subhash Tanwar, Advocate for complainant. Sh. Gaurav Gupta, Advocate for the Op no.1. Sh. Mukesh Kumar, Advocate for the Op no.2. Learned counsel for the complainant has made a statement that he withdraws the present complai...
Case Number: 348
Date of Filing: 20-08-2019
Date of Upload: 18-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Akhil Bhasin
Respondant Advocate
Baldev Singh & The OIC & ors.Present:Sh. Akhil bhasin, Advocate for complainant. Ops yet not summoned. File taken up today case 16.11.2019 was holiday being Saturday. Learned counsel for the complainant has made a statement that he does not want to proceed further with th...
Case Number: 458
Date of Filing: 15-10-2019
Date of Upload: 18-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rohtash Jangam
Respondant Advocate Vinit Bajaj
Harphool & UHBVNL & ors.Present:Sh. Rohtash Jangam, Advocate for complainant. Sh., Vineet Bajaj, Advocate for the ops. Learned counsel for the complainant has made a statement that he does not want to proceed further with the present complaint and wants to withdraw the sa...
Case Number: 213
Date of Filing: 29-05-2019
Date of Upload: 18-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate
Respondant Advocate
Present: None for complainant. Ops No.1, 2, 4 & 5 ex-parte. Shri Umesh Kumar, Advocate for OP No.3. Case again called up several times after lunch break but none has turned up on behalf of complainant. It is already 2.45 p.m. No intimation is received regarding the absence of...
Case Number: 195
Date of Filing: 12-09-2018
Date of Upload: 15-11-2019
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