Address: Judicial Complex, Phase-II, Kurukshetra
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Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate In Person
Respondant Advocate Shekhar Kapoor
DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUMKURUKSHETRAComplaint Case No. CC/252/2019( Date of Filing : 20 Jun 2019 )1. Rajender KumarJogna Khera Kurkshetras Haryana ...........Complainant(s)Versus1. Bajaj Finance SCO44 2nd Floor Sector-17Kurkshetra Haryana ............Opp.Party(s)...
Case Number: 252
Date of Filing: 20-06-2019
Date of Upload: 09-12-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Harnam Khubber
Respondant Advocate Hardeep Singh
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA.Complaint No.216 of 2017.Date of instt.: 10.10.2017. Date of Decision:04.12.2019.Gurdev Singh son of Shri Balbir Singh, resident of village Nagla, Tehsil Shahabad, District Kurukshetra. ……..Compla...
Case Number: 216
Date of Filing: 10-10-2017
Date of Upload: 05-12-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Ashwani Kumar
Respondant Advocate lovekesh Kumar
Sunil Kumar vs K.R.TradersPresent: None for complainant. Sh. Lokesh Kumar, authorized agent for Op No.3. OP No.2 exparte. OP No.1 yet not summoned. Case again called up several times after lunch break but none appeared on behalf of complainant. It is already 2.15 ...
Case Number: 379
Date of Filing: 27-08-2019
Date of Upload: 05-12-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate In Person
Respondant Advocate Vikas Kumar
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA. Consumer Complaint No.84 of 2019. Date of instt.:07.03.2019. Date of Decision:03.12.2019.Smt. Balbir Kaur wife of Shri Kewal Singh, r/o D.D. Colony, Kheri Markanda. …….Complainant. ...
Case Number: 84
Date of Filing: 06-03-2019
Date of Upload: 05-12-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate In Person
Respondant Advocate Shekhar Kapoor
Satish Chand Vs. Bhagwati Electronics & anr.Present: Complainant in person. Shri Shekhar Kapoor, Advocate for the OPs. Learned counsel for the OPs has made a statement that Ops are ready to replace the refrigerator with new one same specification within 30 days.Co...
Case Number: 139
Date of Filing: 12-04-2019
Date of Upload: 04-12-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate K.K.Gupta
Respondant Advocate
BEFORE THE DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUM, KURUKSHETRA.Consumer Complaint No.118 of 2018.Date of instt.:23.5.2018. Date of Decision:29.11.2019.Subhash Gautam s/o Shri Balbir Chand, r/o Peerwali Gali, Mohalla Gurunanakura, Thanesar, Kurukshetra. Now resident of H.No.17...
Case Number: 118
Date of Filing: 23-05-2018
Date of Upload: 02-12-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate In Person
Respondant Advocate Vineet Bajaj
Anil Verma Vs Paytm Head office & anr. Present: None for complainant. Sh. Vinit Bajaj, Advocate for the OP No.1. Sh. Arvind Kumar , Advocate for Op No.2. Case again called up several times after lunch break but none has turned up on behalf of comp...
Case Number: 279
Date of Filing: 15-07-2019
Date of Upload: 02-12-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate M.S.lukhi
Respondant Advocate Vivek garg
DISTRICT CONSUMER DISPUTES REDRESSAL FORUMKURUKSHETRAComplaint Case No. CC/3/2019( Date of Filing : 03 Jan 2019 )1. Kuldeep SinghTehsil thanesarKurukshetraHARYANA...........Complainant(s)Versus1. Reliance gen InsMadhya marg Sec-9ChandigarhHARYANA............Opp.Party(s) BEFORE:HO...
Case Number: 3
Date of Filing: 03-01-2019
Date of Upload: 29-11-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rajesh Kaushik
Respondant Advocate Atul mittal
Mohit tayal Vs. Riyasat & othrs.Present: Sh. Rajesh Kaushik, Advocate for the complainant. Sh. Atul Mittal, Advocate for the ops. Parties have settled their dispute amicably. Statements of parties recorded separately. In view of the same, present compl...
Case Number: 310
Date of Filing: 05-08-2019
Date of Upload: 02-12-2019
Consumer Court: Kurukshetra
Appelant Advocate Rajesh Kumar Kaushik
Respondant Advocate Atul Mittal
Satish Kumar Vs. Riyasat & othrs.Present: Sh. Rajesh Kaushik, Advocate for the complainant. Sh. Atul Mittal, Advocate for the ops. Parties have settled their dispute amicably. Statements of parties recorded separately. In view of the same, present com...
Case Number: 311
Date of Filing: 05-08-2019
Date of Upload: 02-12-2019
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